SWS Accident & Injury Lawyers

Legal Blog

What if I am injured in an accident involving a police officer or other government employee in Georgia?

If you are injured in a car accident caused by a police officer or other government employee in Georgia can I still sue?  The quick answer is Yes, but the process is much different than a normal personal injury lawsuit. In Georgia, individuals typically have two years to file a lawsuit after they’re injured. That […]

Can I sue someone personally after a car accident in Georgia?

Yes -- you can sue someone personally following a car accident.  You have to file the lawsuit within 2 years of the date of the accident.  Additionally, you will be required to prove the following things: Breach of duty - Every driver has a duty to drive safely when operating a motor vehicle, so you […]

Georgia Workers' Compensation Injury Checklist - First Steps

If you are injured on the job in Georgia, it is important to perform the following steps in order to have a successful claim.  Below is a checklist of things to do if you are injured while working in Georgia. 1)  Report ALL injuries In Georgia, you have 30 days to report your injury to […]

Common Work Injuries in Georgia

Workplace injuries in Georgia can be devastating and financially costly for employees and employers alike. Even a minor injury that forces an employee to miss work, or limits their ability to perform their normal job duties, can have negative consequences for both employees and businesses.  Here a some of the most common work injuries we […]

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance in Georgia

What is uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance and why is it important to have in Georgia?  In Georgia, every individual driving a motor vehicle (excluding commercial vehicles like big rigs, which have different requirements) is required to carry automotive liability insurance.  The minimum requirements under Georgia law require the policy to have minimum coverage of […]

Back to School Safety Tips

It's that time of year again in West Georgia, where kids start another year of learning at school.  Whether it be by bus, walking, or riding a bike, the increased traffic and congestion on the road can de dangerous.  Below are a few back to school safety tips to think about. Tips for Driving in […]

Do I get paid if I miss time at work due to a work injury in Georgia?

What happens if I miss time from work due to a work related injury in Georgia?  If you are injured due to a work accident, and are forced to miss time from your job, you are entitled to be paid income replacement benefits.  The types of income replacement benefits available include temporary total disability benefits […]

Types of Injuries Covered under Workers' Compensation in Georgia

There are many types of Georgia workers' compensation injuries.  These can range from the typical back strain from lifting a heavy object, all the way to catastrophic injuries which prevent an injured worker from ever working again in the future.  Today's post will discuss common work related injuries and how they are handled in Georgia's […]

What Compensation Can I Get from a Car Accident in Georgia?

In the event you are injured in a car accident in Georgia due to the negligence of someone else, the law allows you to recover damages from the individual who caused the harm. These may include compensatory damages, consequential/special damages, and punitive damages. What is considered "compensation" for a Georgia car accident? Compensation, or "compensatory […]

What happens if I suffer a work injury in Georgia?

If you are injured while at work in Georgia, your injury is covered under Georgia’s Workers’ Compensation Act (O.C.G.A. § 34-9).  This section of Georgia law covers everything from replacing your income if you are unable to work, to the types of medical treatment you are authorized to receive.  The State Board of Workers’ Compensation […]

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