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How Do You Help a Loved One After They are Injured in a Car Accident?

Two people on the phone in front of their cars who have recently had an auto collision and may need car accident lawyers in Carrollton, Georgia.

Table of Contents

Has Your Loved One Been Injured in a Car Accident in Georgia?

You'll never forget the phone call; someone you love has been injured in a Georgia car accident. Your day was going along like any other; you got the news. A catastrophic car accident severely hurt someone you love. Perhaps a runaway truck veered into your mother's car's lane, or maybe a teen driver immersed in text messaging T-boned the vehicle.

In any case, the situation has probably been quite overwhelming. Hopefully, your loved one survived. But no matter what happens, you face many challenges in the weeks ahead.

To that end, in this and upcoming posts, we'll discuss strategies, tactics, and resources to cope with the aftermath of a loved one's car crash. So call us for immediate, personal assistance.

What to Do After a Loved One Has Been Injured in a Georgia Car Accident

A dear friend or loved one is hurt, and you want to help. What constructive steps can you take? We'll explore your options in a two-part post. (These are not presented in time-sensitive order, nor are they comprehensive. For insight into a legal case, consult an experienced car accident attorney. For medical advice, speak with a qualified doctor.)

 If possible, get a ride to the hospital from a friend. Science suggests that learning about trauma can impair your driving ability, so play it safe. If necessary, use public transportation or ride-share service.

If you have babies, toddlers, or young kids, make arrangements for them as soon as possible against all else so that you can concentrate on your injured loved one. You may need to notify the school and have someone collect your children. Then, ask a relative or friend to take care of them for a few days.

Ask one or two people to spread the word so you do not have to rehash the news repeatedly.

You may need to inform your boss and your loved one's employer of the situation. If you can't be at work for a while, ask your Human Resources (HR) person about the company leave policy.

Be direct, and be specific. What do you need to serve your loved one, coordinate with doctors, and stay comfortable? For instance: get fresh clothes, toiletries, medications, your cell phone charger, and your tablet.

Get the report number and the name of the officer who went to the accident scene.

Time may be of the essence to preserve critical evidence from the scene of the crash before it gets cleaned up or forensic clues get lost. Our Smith, Wallis, and Scott LLP team can help you develop a battle plan. Call us at (770) 214-2500 for your next steps. 

The Weeks After Your Loved One Has Been Injured in A Georgia Car Accident

In the short term, your to-do list will likely be packed. (And it's not like you didn't already have a tremendous amount on your plate.) Among many other projects, you might have to notify employers, friends, and relatives; help with the immediate medical crisis; keep the family going with meals, clean clothes, and school; deal with insurance issues, and find a good lawyer. We'll explore challenges related to all these problems.

Coping with a New Normal After a Georgia Car Accident

Depending on what happened, the echo of the accident could ring for some time. Over the long haul, you may need to deal with costly rehab; psychological fallout, loss of income to the family; and legal and financial crises. We'll walk you through what to expect and connect you with powerful resources to weather the storms ahead.

Undoubtedly, you're feeling strong emotions—overwhelm, anxiety, dread, perhaps numbness. But you don't have to go through these challenges alone! The experienced team at Smith, Wallis, and Scott LLP stands by to help your family understand and protect your rights. Call us at (770) 214-2500 for a confidential free consultation. We can help you reclaim control.

5 Steps To Regain Control After A Loved One is Injured in a Georgia Car Crash

In a previous post, we cataloged seven smart steps after a loved one is hurt in a Georgia car accident. The first several days after this trauma can be disorienting. To that end, we've assembled a few more resourceful steps you can take to feel in control:

How did the crash occur? Who caused it? What's the car's status now, and what happened to the others involved? If your loved one is conscious, you may be able to obtain answers. Write down any information you get.

 Can you reach/call people who saw the accident or experienced it as passengers or pedestrians? If so, get their names and contact information. Ask for their stories and copies of any cell phone pictures they took. The human memory is notoriously malleable: witness statements recorded right after a crash are much more accurate than those remembered days or weeks afterward.

 Depending on your relationship with the injured person, you may be barred from learning about the medical treatment or prognosis. (If you're a spouse who has legal authority over your husband's care, you'll obviously have more power than if you're just a good friend.) Nevertheless, observe the care provided, take notes and ask good questions. Ensure your loved one isn't being ignored, and communicate any questions or concerns with staff. Be assertive (but avoid being rude).

Eat healthy meals (i.e., "real food" with good fats, healthy protein, and vegetables)—and don't fill up on junk food from the hospital vending machine. Rest if and when possible. Even a 20-minute nap is better than nothing. Get fresh air, talk to people you trust about your feelings related to the crash, and practice mindful breathing.

Aside from the medical/rehab challenges ahead, your loved one will likely need to deal with the insurance company, work, finances, and beyond. Write down everything on your mind about the situation, and compile a list to ask an experienced Georgia car accident lawyer. The clearer your perspective, the better aid you can give to your loved one.

Call the Smith, Wallis, and Scott LLP team for insight about what to do now. In addition, we offer free, no obligation, confidential consultations at (770) 214-2500.

Taking Care Of Someone Who Has Suffered A Concussion Due To a Car Accident In Georgia

Concussions are a significant alarm point for athletes, their coaches, and their parents. This concern is certainly warranted, but athletic injuries are far from the only source of concussions. For example, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that car accidents cause 14.3 percent of all traumatic brain injuries. Given the number of vehicles on the road in Atlanta, Douglasville, Gainesville, Carrollton, and other towns throughout Georgia, the risk of a concussion in an automobile accident also continues to grow.

The recovery process can be long and difficult for those concussed in car accidents. Caretakers play a critical role in diagnosis, symptom management, and improving the general quality of life. Below we'll explore steps you can take to support a loved one dealing with a car crash-induced concussion.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

With concussions—as with most injuries—quick diagnosis is always better. The car accident alone should indicate possible trouble. Look for the following common symptoms:

Victims may not exhibit memory or concentration problems until several days have passed. Light sensitivity, sleep disturbances, or personality changes may also emerge with time. Watch for signs of second-impact syndrome, in which an additional concussion causes rapid swelling and symptoms mimicking the initial trauma—but worse. If you suspect a second concussion, get your loved one to the emergency room ASAP.

Atlanta Resources

Seek prompt medical attention as soon as you note the symptoms outlined above. Additional resources for Atlanta area concussion victims and their caregivers include:

Have you or a loved one suffered a concussion due to a negligence-based car accident? The car accident lawyers at Smith, Wallis, and Scott can help you recover the damages you deserve. Call us at 770-214-2500 to schedule a free consultation. 

Taking Care Of Somebody Who's Been Concussed in a Car Accident

A mild form of traumatic brain injury, concussions lead to intense pain, sensitivity, and other symptoms. Although these side effects typically disappear after a few days, some sufferers take weeks, even months, to recover. Detailed below are a few of the best ways you can encourage prompt recovery for a loved one concussed in a car accident:

Encourage Rest

From colds to concussions, rest is nearly always the best solution. Your loved one may feel tempted to tough it out and get back to regular life, but this could cause further injury, followed by an even more extended recovery period. Be the voice of reason during this challenging time, and encourage as much rest as possible—assuming that's what a qualified physician suggests. You can help by volunteering to care for your loved one's kids, completing chores, or cooking meals. If you want to hang out, choose relaxing at-home activities instead of hitting local bars or clubs.

Be Your Loved One's New Memory

Remembering details can be all but impossible in the aftermath of a concussion. Your loved one may struggle to recall dates for medical appointments or other essentials. Implement an easy-to-use system for recording notes and providing deadline reminders. Google Calendar and other apps can work wonders, but you may have to navigate the app independently, as concussion victims often find mobile devices challenging.

Help With Transportation

It could be sometime before your loved one can resume driving, biking, or even riding the bus safely. Ideally, this person will rest at home as much as possible, but your help can ensure easy access to medical services and other necessities. For example, arrange for grocery delivery or home health care if you lack time for actual car rides.

Offer Emotional Support

Sometimes, concussion victims need a shoulder to cry on. Recovery can be intensely painful but also frustratingly dull. Be prepared to listen as your beloved concussion sufferer shares the worst aspects of their experience. Your patience will not be forgotten. Seek additional support from Smith, Wallis, and Scott, LLP. Call us today at (770) 214-2500. We can help your loved one obtain fair, complete compensation for damages related to the car accident.

Meeting Your Needs While Helping A Loved One Who Was Injured In A Georgia Car Crash

As a caregiver, you face the burdens of everyday life and time-consuming and stressful jobs such as disbursing medications and driving loved ones to medical appointments. With so much on your plate, it's easy to fall behind on sleep, exercise, and other elements of healthy living. If your health suffers, however, you'll find it much more challenging to provide the care your loved one needs. Follow these tips to find a healthy balance:

In-Home Health Care

There's no shame in seeking help from more experienced professionals. In-home health aides reduce your driving and caretaking time, allowing you to focus on other pursuits. In addition, your health insurance or personal injury settlement may cover some or all of the cost.

Hire Help With Everyday Chores

Don't limit hired help to nurse and caretaking; cleaning and landscaping services can save you a great deal of time and stress—and they're more affordable than you think.

Combine Socializing With Items on Your To-Do List

Make the most of each minute by combining fun with errands. For example, if you struggle to make time for both exercise and to socialize, attend a group fitness class with your best bud. You can also ask friends to visit you at home so you can be on-hand for caretaking necessities.

Pamper Yourself

At least once a week, take a break from your caregiving duties and indulge. Whether your idea of pampering involves a bubble bath, beer, or your favorite TV show, you deserve a break. So refreshed, you'll provide far better care than you would if overworked and overstressed.

Smith, Wallis, and Scott can eliminate the legal burden from your caretaking ordeal, allowing you to focus on other important matters. Call us to start the process: we can help your loved one obtain justice and fair compensation: (770) 214-2500

Dealing With the Fear of Driving After a Loved One Has Been Injured in a Georgia Car Crash

Your loved one recently suffered a horrific car accident, and now, the mere thought of driving fills you with fear. Unfortunately, avoiding the road may be out of the question, especially if the car crash victim in your life requires transportation for medical appointments and courtroom endeavors. These tips will help you get over your crippling fear and return to complete confidence behind the wheel:

Start Slow

If you're afraid to drive, a busy freeway at rush hour is the worst place to confront your fear. Instead, stick to back roads and lighter traffic until you feel comfortable.

Drive With a Friend

If driving alone makes you anxious, arrange carpools or ask a friend or family member to accompany you on errands.

Enroll in a Defensive Driving Course

Defensive driving classes equip participants with the knowledge and split-second instincts they need to ensure the best outcome in the event of a collision. Once you complete the course, you should feel more in control behind the wheel.

Attend Therapy

If driving-related anxiety refuses to go away or creeps into other elements of everyday life, visit a therapist or counselor. Cognitive behavioral therapy could prove particularly helpful as you deal with intrusive rumination; your therapist can teach you to reframe your thoughts and fix incorrect notions. You may also benefit from exposure and response prevention therapy, which involves a series of tasks closely related to the cause of your current anxiety. The goal is to make anxiety-inducing tasks feel routine.

The stress of driving is bad enough after a car crash—the last thing you need is legal anxiety as well. The Smith, Wallis, and Scott team can ease this burden and help your loved one obtain compensation; get in touch today at (770) 214-2500 to learn more.

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