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Powerful Resources for SSDI Recipients

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Social Security Disability Resources

There is no such thing as too much support for Social Security Disability Insurance recipients and their valued caregivers. From FAQs and blogs to YouTube videos, everything helps. So take some time to browse the valuable resources highlighted below—you’ll be glad you did!

Social Security Disability: Frequently Asked Questions

The official FAQ page of the Social Security Administration answers common questions about retirement benefits, returning to work, Compassionate Allowances, and more.

The Faces and Facts of Social Security

The SSA maintains a blog that provides a wealth of information on the everyday applications of the disability system. The articles contained therein cover everything from the pioneers of Social Security to the role of mental health in disability claims.

A Day in the Life of a Caregiver

Do you feel as if your efforts as a caregiver are rarely recognized? Then, watch this YouTube video from AARP, and share it via social media to let your loved ones in on your caregiving struggles and triumphs. The video captures what it’s like to care for a disabled individual.

Kalispell’s SSDI YouTube Videos

YouTube user Kalispell has ample experience with the SSDI program. Her channel details the complications of applying for SSDI and life after approval, including why she continues to work and how she coordinates her schedule to make the most of her benefits.

How to Live on Disability Even If You Are Broke

SSDI benefits are typically modest; many claimants receive less than $1,000 per month. This detailed article from Confined to Success offers excellent insight into budgeting for SSDI recipients. You’ll learn to stretch each dollar further and pursue greater financial security.

Powerful Social Security Disability Resources

Fantastic Resources For People on Social Security Disability and Their Caretakers: Part 1

Since its founding during the Great Depression, the Social Security Disability Insurance program has made life more bearable for millions of Americans who would otherwise face crippling poverty or a complete lack of independence.

Unfortunately, if you’re injured or disabled, the difficulties don’t stop upon approval of your SSDI claim. Whether you receive benefits or care for a loved one on SSDI, you can use continual help and support, which you’ll find with these valuable resources:

Ticket to Work Program

Are you interested in returning to work but worried about losing your benefits? Then, join the Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work Program, a free and voluntary opportunity for SSDI and SSI beneficiaries. You can safely explore various work options while enjoying protection from continuing medical disability reviews. Visit the program overview at the SSA’s website to learn more.

NAIDW’s Social Security Disability Support

Sometimes, when your disability gets you down, all you need is a little encouragement from somebody who has been in your position. That’s precisely what you’ll find at the Social Security Disability Support forum maintained by the National Association of Injured and Disabled Workers (NAIDW). Stop by the chat room or check out the links posted by the site’s administrator.

Telling Our Disability Stories: The ATC Podcast

If you ever feel alone due to disability, listen to the ATC Podcast for an instant sense of belonging. The program features heartening stories from individuals with disabilities.

Can I Get Paid…As a Caregiver?

This AARP guide provides extensive insight into the role of caregivers and the potential for receiving compensation. In addition, it offers a valuable reminder of the importance of taking care of your financial and emotional health as you also care for loved ones with disabilities.

Budgeting While Waiting for Social Security Disability

Living Well and Getting What You Need With a Slimmed-Down Budget [for Social Security Disability Claimants]

A reduced disposable income may prevent you from previous pursuits. Still, with careful budgeting and a better spending assessment, you can live a full and rewarding life on a minimal income. In a two-part series, we’ll explore life on a slimmed-down budget.

Budgeting 101

Before you can live your best life on a slimmed-down budget, you need to know just how slim it is—and where you have room to cut back.

Budgeting doesn’t come naturally for most of us. In a 2015 survey, 82 percent of Americans claimed to keep a budget—but most of their methods were suspect. Mental budgets won’t cut it, nor will scrawling numbers on an old receipt. Thankfully, a variety of smartphone apps and online budgeting systems make things easier to manage. For some, however, pencil and paper suffice.

Begin by taking stock of all fixed income and expenditures. These could include Social Security benefits, income from a part-time job, rent, or student loan payments.

Finally, estimate variable costs. These include food, entertainment, and transportation. After you’ve constructed your initial budget, continue tracking these expenses to determine the accuracy of your original estimates.

Choose Goals and Assign Costs

Outline your financial and personal goals, and determine where they overlap. Next, highlight your top aspirations and estimate their cost. For example, a frugal beach vacation might cost you $1,000 for lodging, flight, and food. Now that you’ve established your budget, you can determine how many months it will take to save up for this goal while maintaining your current income.

Determining How You Want to Spend Your Budget: Spending on Things or Experiences?

Ample research indicates that people derive far more satisfaction when they spend their money on experiences rather than material objects. You may have little cash available for either, but some of life’s most exciting experiences are surprisingly affordable. So when tempted to splurge on items you previously would have deemed essential, think carefully: do you actually need these material goods? How long will you enjoy them, or how soon will they collect dust in the closet?

Empowering Books for SSDI Applicants and Recipients

Read These Books While Pursuing Your Social Security Disability Benefits Case

Chronic illness and injury sufferers complain nearly as much about boredom as they do about the physical symptoms of their maladies. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits may be appreciated, but it’s tough to replace that sense of purpose that accompanies a regular workday. Instead of sitting at home and feeling sorry for yourself, tackle this reading list:

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants — Malcolm Gladwell

Whenever you feel defeated, grab this inspiring ode to the underdog, which reexamines stereotypes about advantage and disadvantage.

Not Broken: Making the Transition to Living With Physical Disability — Andrea M. Orsini

Don’t let disability define you. “Not Broken” features valuable strategies for handling the mental, emotional, and social challenges associated with physical impairments. This valuable read will help you reclaim your personal power and momentum.

At Home: A Short History of Private Life — Bill Bryson

Sitting at home isn’t so bad, as you’ll discover while paging through one of Bill Bryson’s most underrated works. You’ll learn more about the common household items you take for granted.

Gilead — Marilynne Robinson

The deserved recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, “Gilead” tells the somber tale of Reverend John Ames, a small-town pastor with a devastating heart condition. The book demonstrates why faith is an integral component of daily life, even (or especially) for those dealing with terminal illness.

Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life — Nick Vujicic

You won’t feel bad about your malady after reading “Life Without Limits.” Written by a man who lacks limbs, the book shows how anybody can lead an extraordinary life, regardless of disability.

If you need a social security disability lawyer in Georgia, call SWS Accident & Injury Lawyers today at 770-214-2500 for a free consultation.

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